Wireless Auditing & Design

It is imperative to audit the behaviour of wireless networks on a commercial level. Wireless audits involve checking indoor and outdoor wireless APs, wireless routers and gateway devices.

Man Auditing a Network Cabinet

Our Design & Auditing Service

It is imperative to audit the behaviour of wireless networks on a commercial level. Wireless audits involve checking indoor and outdoor wireless APs, wireless routers and gateway devices. At present, most of the commercial Wi-Fi operating companies in the market do not have relevant auditing completed and potentially put their users at risk. Our comprehensive wireless audit will ensure that your business complies with industry standards, keeping your customers safe from malicious hackers and avoid privacy breaches.

Below are common auditing steps our experts conduct when inspecting your site.

  • Identify all devices accessing the network
  • Identify platforms, applications and operating systems, highlighting any known flaws.
  • Physical security assessment – location of network assets. Are they protected?
  • Security policy and procedure review including incident management response plans.
  • Review the architecture in place – does it meet current security control and policy enforcement.
  • Assess Firewall rules and configurations, including policies for remote access.
  • Identify network weaknesses and report any found breaches.
  • Assess the design of the network – Is the network segmented sufficiently?

Our Installation Services

We provide professional wireless auditing and design services in NSW and interstate regions to ensure your wireless network is correctly operating at a commercial level. Contact our team of expert electricians for a free on-site quote.